The Course

Course Background

Over the years, various capacity building initiatives have seen sponsored fellows undertake trainings on Extractive Sector management and governance. These capacity building programs have aimed at building a core of local practitioners with competence in management and governance of the extractive sector in their respective countries.

Since 2009, the number of recipients especially from Tanzania of this capacity initiatives have been increasing. The alumni have been expected, after graduation and returning home to apply their competencies and to transfer the skills, knowledge and competence to other new practitioners in their local countries, organizations, sectors and communities. However, for many of these fellows, the application and transfer of this knowledge has been limited. The capacity building initiative alumni are not coordinated and lack adequate resources and platforms through which they can effectively pass on or transfer the acquired knowledge and skills to others.

Drawing lessons from the global capacity building initiatives, Tanzania needs to develop its own localized capacity building model. Working with the alumni as facilitators of this course, will have a multiplier effect and trickle down of skills and knowledge to the community level. The resulting effect will be the ability of extractive host communities to push for demand side driven advocacy agendas hence influencing sector Policies and Practices.

Overall Course Aim

The overall aim of the course is to nurture the next line of community based civil society leaders and practitioners engaging in extractive governance to amplify citizen voices in influencing policies and practices in the extractive sector.

The course will benefit emerging leaders and practitioners who have limited or no prior expert knowledge and experience in the extractive sector governance. The course will further equip selected participants with knowledge, skills and tools to effectively engage with industry leaders, and policy makers and other key stakeholders on mining, oil and natural gas governance in Tanzania. The course program will serve as a vehicle for skills and knowledge exchange for intended participants through an existing pool of local experts including regional and global fellowships